Hypnotherapy with Peter McCartin in Norwich, Norfolk

Hypnotherapy (Clinical Hypnosis) in Norwich


Hypnotherapy can be used to help with many conditions and addictions,ranging from stress and depression to smoking. Self awareness and confidence can be increased and weight loss achieved.

Hypnosis has been described as the most natural self-healing gift known to humanity. For many it can be the key to changing old unwanted habits and creating new positive habits.

Home. peter anthony mccartin


My name is Peter Mccartin.
I was introduced to hypnosis when I was successfully treated for my smoking addiction.
I was amazed by the results. This set me in the direction of becoming a hypnotherapist.

After qualifying with the Anglia School of Hypnotherapy,Became a member of the GHR (General Hypnotherapy register) association Registration NO 2132.
I am now a qualified practitioner in A.S.H.P.H Diploma in professional hypnotherapy and a A.S.H.A.H Diploma in Advanced Hypnotherapy and NLP .
Online Hypnotherapy

Live hypnotherapy in the comfort of your own home!
In order to continue supporting clients in these very uncertain and anxious times I am now offering online hypnotherapy (live) programmes.
This means that I am able to offer my Skype, whats app, facetime, , or whatever platform the client is able to access in order to access my online hypnotherapy live services .
This means that you can get the full benefit of all the therapies I offer in the comfort of your own home. These include anxiety, depression, weight loss, smoking and much more. My online hypnotherapy programmes are run in the same way as my face to face programmes except that obviously we will be talking face to face through our computer screens instead of meeting here in my office.
You will receive exactly the same personalised service and in depth initial assessment as if we were meeting face to face, the only difference will be that I will be hypnotising you from behind my computer screen , meaning that both you and I are safe from potentially spreading the virus.
Hypnotherapy still works in this way as hypnosis is dependent on the words that are heard and transmitted to the subconscious rather than anything I do in person. As long as I can see you as you relax I can still watch for physiological responses and levels of trance.
There are actually more benefits of online hypnotherapy sessions over face to face meetings as clearly there is no travel costs and no travel time involved for the client, as well as of course limiting the spread of coronavirus.
For me it also means I can extend my reach to include people that are not local.
The other benefit is that you can be hypnotised in the comfort of your own home. For some people this is preferable to coming to my offices, and they feel far more comfortable conducting therapy in their own home or in their own comfort zone.
As the client you will need to ensure that you have a strong and stable internet connection. Conducting hypnosis with an internet connection that may drop out at any time is not conducive to achieving the relaxed state we aim for.
You will also need to ensure that you have somewhere quiet, private and comfortable in your own home where the Skype session will be uninterrupted for the duration of the session. This is very important with hypnotherapy.
If you are interested in live online hypnotherapy I offer. live online therapies are exactly the same as the face to face as you will receive exactly the same service so if you are interested please get in contact and we will arrange dates for the online sessions in the same way that we make appointments for face to face sessions. Call now on 07916312418 or email me on the contact page to arrange your online hypnotherapy dates .

  • The first 30 minutes consultation is free,so let me help you put your life back on track today. 24 hour notice of cancellation of appointment is required.

Contact Me

I can be contacted by email on the contact page or by telephone number 07916312418

If I am not available ,please leave a message on the mobile and I will return your call as soon as possible.

Peter Mccartin

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